Oct 7Liked by Michael Gawenda

Just devastating. And Wong's lack of a visit to the kibbutzim attacked by Hamas also speaks volumes about where she stands on the conflict - indifferent

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Are you aware that many of army bases disguised as kibbutzes are built on designated Palestinian land that was supposed to be returned in 1967, the IDF turned tanks and even hell fire missiles on them and the damage was all done by the IDF, this was known by 16 October and reported by survivors in Be'eri on 16 October. Going on the trauma porn tour would be appalling without context. The film of the tanks rolling in have been on Youtube since October, so have the videos of the IDF shooting everyone at the rave who was left, that included 200 Palestinians burnt to a crisp by hell fire missiles. Why are so many so ignorant of these shockingly brutal facts. My own heart breaks for those Israeli families who were lied to for months about these facts.

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Oct 7Liked by Michael Gawenda

Great piece Michael. A horrific day for the world to mark and acknowledge the ramifications of.

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Palestinians were being murdered, starved, locked in, had their land stolen and had been brutalised for 27,490 days before the break out of 7 October, surely you don't think we are all so stupid we don't know. Not to mention Haaretz reported on 6 October that 2023 had been the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank for years.

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I agree Malcolm

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Very thoughtful analysis, Michael! It is sad to see the diminishing support for Israel in the entire West, not only in Australia. Milton Friedman once said that the "society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither". His words sound like a prophesy now. The liberal progressives think they have a blueprint for freeing the oppressed groups, including Palestinians, Lebanese and even Iranians. In reality theirs is a formula for the oppression of individuals - and, in that, it is not so different from the plans of the populist right and equally extreme. Looking at the history, we know it leads to fascism. Not supporting Israel, the only democratic country in Middle East will eventually hurt the West, but the current politicians will be long gone then.

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I agree with much of this Chris. But I remain a Social Democrat. I am as far away from the totalitarian Left as I am from the extreme Right.

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Why on earth would we support genocidal maniacs - are you for real.

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Thankyou for the analysis of the Biskin Report and Wong's attempt to ignore the conclusion of the report. Wong is a failed minister in several governments now and I guess she manages to hang on to her seat and her job because she plays the factional game well. Her response to October 7 is about that factional game.

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Oct 7Liked by Michael Gawenda

To build on your comment, it's all about the numbers (as Michael mentioned in this post).

Getting the Islamic community offside comes at a much risk of costing Albanese and Wong their jobs, when compared to failing to support Jews.

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Oh my god you entitled pack - Wong cancelled aid based on Israeli lies, she had visas cancelled mid flight based on lies, she voted against a ceasefire for months, said the ICJ ruling was irrelevant in January and still tells the same lie that Israel has a right to defence against people they illegally occupy, she said this again yesterday. IT's not true and has never been true that they have a right to murder people they have illegally occupied for 76 years.

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Michael, I am a fellow Jew, an Australian, an educator and writer of 30+ years; a reader of history and a teacher of Media Studies. I have to tell you that your left-wing belief system - like so many modern Jews around the world - comes from a deeply Humanist heart which was fostered and grown across Europe beginning with 17th century thinkers and writers through to today. But it is utterly, totally blind to the realities of the angry, selfish, jealous activism of left-wing politics which began, in America particularly, in the 1960s, and which has now taken control of all of Western society's institutions - education, mass media, democratic politics, law and order, parenting. Right down to the banning of great literature and the silencing of dissenters. All the classic moves once called fascism. No historical experiment in ideology ever ended with a gentle transition away from extremity. You have unwittingly played your part in feeding the monster. Jews have always been history's coal-mine canaries. Here we go again.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Author

I think this is far too sweeping and apocalyptic. But I don’t think it is possible to examine the issues you raise in a thread like this. The social democratic left has been a great force for good. That’s the left to which I l always belonged.

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Tzvetan Todorov once said: "Humanism is a frail craft indeed for setting sail around the world!" The British Humanist Harold J. Blackham tried to warn, in 1968, of the necessity for those who love life, freedom and the human potential for good to be vigilant against those enemies of Humanism who would "dupe, enslave, manipulate, brain-wash or otherwise deprive human beings" of their humanity, who particularly "victimize the young and inexperienced." His insight and those like his have been largely ignored.

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Really what a load of twaddle, the movement in the 60's was about black equality and human rights and anti Vietnam war, nothing to do with jews at all.

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Thanks for the update from 'down-under'. Not encouraging. You are correct re the social democratic left historically engaged in working for the good of others. Unfortunately, evil has co-opted the movement with no resolution in sight. If one were to tease them out, I suppose these same trends were present in Nazi Germany and the Russian pogroms. Like Twain said, history doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme - well, a little editorial license there. The world seems full of Chamberlains, not sure there are any Churchills left.

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It's all nonsense of course, Australia has the most virulent, racist zionist lobby in the world based in Melbourne

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Eloquent as always. Thank you for writing this Michael. Such a sad and demoralising time.

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Brilliant and devastating; says it all.

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Anything to say about the slaughter of tens of thousands of women and kids by rampaging right wing racist jews in israel you self absorbed narcissitic bunch. Jews in Australia are not targetted, we can tell the difference between the mob led by the thug Bibi with Gvir and Smotrich, why do politicians have to fall all over themselves to appease you? Israel murdered most of their own people on 7 October and for 27,490 days before that they illegally occupied Palestine, starved them, controlled and murdered them and had no thought for their human rights.

Spare the pretence that you are left wing and with the ALP's only censure being Senator Payman you should be ashamed of this drivel. Most of the world has great shame for the fact that Israel murdered their own and blamed hamas, have left the hostages to rot due to Bibi's dirty deal with the kahanists and other right wing thugs including one Australia, appalled that a bankrupt jewish Australia is trying to demolish the 1600 year old Armenian quarter to build a hotel for billionaires. WE are disgusted with the ALP for voting down ceasefires for months while babies were being slaughtered and sickened by this self pitying nonsense by those who claim to be of the left - Israel is at fault, their occupation is the longest and most brutal in the world and for heaven's sake the rulings of the ICJ on all these issues were extensive and both Wong and Albo said they didn't agree with them.

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Excellent piece, thank you.

The attitude to Jews here in the UK is indeed bad too but, so far, there has been little attempt to murder any of us, which is more a Far Right thing. But I too feel abandoned and have lost a Hamas-supporting niece. As much as I'm distressed by the murders of Jews in Israel by genocidal thugs, I'm terrified by the creeping annihilation (a different murder) of Jews more covertly by universities, publishers, art galleries, venues etc. Most people, including many Jews, won't even know it's happening, or happened. The Greens here too are more or less Judenrein. And I was shocked in my supermarket this morning that only two of today's nine newspapers carried full headlines about October 7th, instead reporting on the ousting of Sir Keir Starmer's adviser Sue Gray. And there's a repulsive report by Jeremy Bowen on the BBC's website. But Starmer PM gave an excellent speech today and is broadly supportive of Israel and Jews. Also Radio 4's World at One (1pm GMT) was good and Jack Straw (Foreign Secretary in Blair's government) excellent. Nevertheless we'll all have to continue to hide our horns!

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Those things are not happening but anyone who supports Palestinians is being arrested, cancelled, demonised and brutalised by the likes of the neo facist zionist Starmer

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Thank you Michael. I too feel after this year that the left is another country. What did you think of the PM's statement today? Less evasive, I thought.

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Albo has bent over backwards to illegally support Israel's illegal actions, he has broken his own belief in Palestine and been one of the most repulsive characters in the country. Israel for one has no right to self defence against people they have illegally occupied for 76 years - already the right wing nutters in Israel are trying to sell land in Gaza to Canadians and Americans.

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